Frequently asked questions

What is a featured Listing

A travel featured listing on your website is a premium advertising opportunity that provides prominent visibility, highlighting its unique features, amenities, and attractions with direct links making it easy for travellers to access additional details, make reservations.

What does the booking facility entail?

A booking facility is available for all listings at a 10 % commission, allowing direct links and booking options, commissions are only charged when bookings are made.

Podcast Feature information

As our special guest, this provides an exciting opportunity to share insider tips and deeper engagement with your travel audience. It enables for us to create longer segments and content creation for social media and YouTube.

Details about the Travel Magazine

Travel concierge is a quarterly digital magazine and publication serving international travel enthusiasts. Featuring the top 20 destinations and experiences. We specialise in digital marketing for travellers using key analytics.

Travel Deal Campaign Requirements

We can help share spot deals to a broader travelling audience encouraging travellers heading to the garden route.

Aerial Drone Sweep

Aerial footage is always a great feature to have in your marketing arsenal, we offer drone footage weather permitting when required.

How will I receive my payment?

Traveller payments are made directly to you. Depending on any commission structures, you are then invoice on successful leads.

How do I update images or campaigns

Simply send us your campaign and we will upload